
1098 - t常见问题解答

每年1月31日前, the 澳门在线赌城娱乐 mails the IRS Form 1098-T to all students who had qualified tuition and other related educational expenses 宣传 to them during the previous calendar year. 此表格仅供参考.  It serves to alert students that they may be eligible for federal income tax education credits and should not be considered as tax opinion or advice.

While it is a good starting point, 1098 - t, as designed and regulated by the IRS, does not contain all of the information needed to claim a tax credit.  It is up to each taxpayer to determine eligibility for the credits and how to calculate them.

In our efforts to help you better understand the purpose and the use of 1098 - t, we have listed some of our most frequently asked questions below. If you have additional questions or concerns please feel free to contact us. Please be advised UM encourages you to consult with a tax professional on the information you gather from this information.


The 1098-T form is used by eligible educational institutions to report information about their students to the IRS as required by the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997. Eligible educational institutions are required to submit the student’s name, address and taxpayer’s identification number (TIN), 招生及学术状况. 从2003年开始, educational institutions must also report amounts to the IRS pertaining to qualified tuition and related expenses, as well as scholarships and/or grants, 应税与否. A 1098-T form must also be provided to each applicable student. There is no IRS requirement that you must claim the tuition and fess deduction or an education credit. Claiming education tax benefits is a voluntary decision for those who may qualify.

Why did I receive a 1098-T and what am I supposed to do with it?

每年1月31日前, UM mails an IRS form 1098-T to all students who had qualified tuition and other related educational expenses 宣传 to them during the previous calendar year. 此表格仅供参考 and should not be considered a tax opinion or advice. It serves to alert students that they may be eligible for federal income tax education credits. Receipt of form 1098-T does not indicate eligibility for the tax credit. To determine the amount of qualified tuition and fees 支付, and the amount of scholarships and grants received, a taxpayer should use their own financial records.

Did you send a copy of this form to the IRS?

是的. Section 6050S of the Internal Revenue Code, as enacted by the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997, requires institutions to file information returns to assist taxpayers and the Internal Revenue Service in determining eligibility for the Hope and Lifetime Learning education tax credits. Forms are mailed at the end of January of each year for the previous tax year.

What educational expenses are considered as qualified tuition and related expenses?

包括 不包括
研究生 & 本科学费 宿舍收费
所需的费用 应用程序的费用

Why is there an amount reported in Box 1 and not Box 2?

往年, your 1098-T included a figure in Box 2 that represented the qualified tuition and related expenses (QTRE) UM 宣传 to your student account for the calendar (tax) year. Due to a change to institutional reporting requirements under federal law, beginning with tax year 2018, UM will report in Box 1 the amount of QTRE you 支付 年内.

1098-T Change Letter (Beginning with Tax Year 2018)

What other information do I need to claim the tax credit?

While 1098 - t is a good starting point, it does not contain all the information needed to claim a tax credit. Most of the information needed must come from the student’s personal financial records of what the student 支付 during the calendar year. 另外, each taxpayer and his or her tax advisor must make the final determination of qualifying expenses.

How do I get a reprint of my 1098-T form?

If you did not receive a 1098-T due to a change of address, 或者你把表格放错地方了, 你可以打印一份副本.  If you are a current enrolled UM student, you can access the form by logging into your 横幅自助服务 account, clicking on the banner tab, student account, and clicking on the tax notification link. Enter the tax year in which you are needing (ex. 2008),然后点击提交. This will bring up a copy of 1098 - t in which you were mailed.

If you are no longer a currently enrolled student, please contact the 学生会计处.

How can I get an itemized listing of my financial activity that is on my 1098-T form?

Account statements are available online. For currently enrolled students, please log onto to 横幅自助服务. If you are no longer a currently enrolled student, please contact the 学生会计处.


If you have additional questions/concerns you can reach us by E-mail:  cashier@pxlb.net


Please be advised UM encourages you to consult with a tax professional on any information you may gather from this information.