

Who can use the services offered by 咨询服务 (CS)?

All services are available to 教师, staff, and currently enrolled, degree-seeking students.

What type of problems do students typically seek counseling for?

It would be impossible to make a list of all the situations that cause people to seek counseling and you are free to talk about any issue with your counselor. Some of the most common things people discus with us are adapting to college, 家庭或关系问题, 感到焦虑或沮丧, 感到孤独或没有动力, 吃的问题, 过去的虐待或创伤, 完美主义, 学术问题, 以及其他心理健康问题.


There is no charge for individual and group counseling appointments.


是的. 除非是紧急情况,否则需要预约. If you are experiencing an emergency or need immediate assistance, 请致电(205)665-6245 or 顺便去一下CS办公室 during normal business hours, 让我们的员工知道这是紧急情况.


安排预约, 请致电(205)665-6245, 顺便去一下CS办公室, 或者发邮件到counseling@pxlb.net during regular business hours, and one of our staff members will assist you.


CS位于Puryear House.


Counselors are generally assigned based on schedule and fit. 如果你有偏好或要求, please let the staff member who meets with you during intake know and we will try to accommodate that request.


第一次就诊时, 你将完成入学文件, 查看我们的知情同意书, (about-um–administration–student-affairs–counseling-services–Counseling-Services-Informed-Consent) and then meet with a CS staff member. 在那次会议上, you and the staff member will work to explore your current situation and develop a plan to address it. After this initial appointment, you will be assigned to the counselor you meet with regularly.


Each counselor has a different counseling style and varies in their technique; however, you may expect that your counselor will listen and take your concerns seriously, 努力帮助你解决问题, 保持保密和专业, 直接诚实地回答你的问题.


CS is committed to providing a high quality level of care. 我们的员工都是有执照的辅导员, 一个大师级的案件管理员, and advanced graduate interns under the supervision of a licensed professional counselor.


是的. 除了有执照的专业咨询师, CS also has advanced graduate interns who see clients under the clinical supervision of one of the licensed counselors.


如果你的辅导员是研究生实习生, they will audio and/or video tape your sessions and use them to consult with site and 教师 supervisors, as well as peer counselors in order to ensure quality of care. Your identity will be protected in these circumstances, and all audio and/or video tapes will be destroyed after use. You are NOT required to consent to audio/video recording in order to receive counseling services, 没有你的同意,录音是绝对不会发生的.


Sometimes you and the counselor are just not a good match or you do not feel comfortable talking with a particular counselor. We understand that, and would rather you change counselors than stop coming. 如果你想换辅导员的话, we encourage you to speak with the counselor you have been meeting with about changing counselors. 他们真心希望你得到你需要的帮助, so they will not get angry or offended and will help you get rescheduled with another counselor. If it is too uncomfortable or difficult to speak with the counselor you have already met with, you can contact the office and request to speak with the CS director about changing counselors.

How confidential are the things I say and my contact with CS?

Federal and state laws along with professional and ethical standards generally prohibit the counselor from disclosing any information you provide us unless we have your prior written consent. 然而, there are a several exceptions that require the counselor to break confidentiality. Those exceptions are: 1) if you provide information indicating abuse or neglect of a child or dependent adult; 2) If your counselor is court ordered to disclose information about you; 3) if your counselor believes you or someone else needs protection from serious and foreseeable harm.


Counseling records are separate from your academic records and are confidential in accordance with Alabama law. Only CS clinical staff will be able to access clinical notes and documentation.


CS工作人员不开处方. 然而, CS works closely with UM Health Services and off-campus providers to assist students with obtaining a new prescription or managing current medications.

能给我缺课的证明文件吗, 在情有可原的情况下退出, 或通过残疾支持服务提供住宿?

Typically, CS does not provide documentation for these situations. 在某些情况下, 如果有正在进行的, 与CS顾问的长期关系, the possibility of providing documentation for these specific needs may be discussed with your counselor.

Can I get a letter or documentation stating I need an emotional support animal?

Due to the short-term nature of our clinical practice and the complexity of this issue, CS cannot provide documentation for an emotional support animal. CS可以根据您的要求将您转介给社区提供者.

如果我是一个家长呢, 另一个学生, 教师, 或者工作人员, 我担心的是一名澳大学生?

如果你关心一个学生, 请致电(205)665-6245, and ask to speak to a counselor or the case manager regarding your concerns. Our staff will talk with you about your concerns and help determine the best way to address those concerns.


CS staff members are available to come to your organization’s meetings or classroom and give presentations on a variety of topics relevant to college life. Some of our prepared presentations include Emotional Intelligence, 压力管理, 时间管理, 健康的关系, 沟通, 克服焦虑, 这是你的举动-旁观者干预, 及预防自杀. If you are interested in one of these presentations or a presentation on another topic, 请致电(205)665-6245.